Math problem 1 + 4 equal 5 answer

The math  problem: If 1 + 4 = 5,
2+5 = 12,
3+6 21,
Then 8+ 11= ?

This puzzle is not an ordinary one. When we first share o Facebook, it went viral with more than 8milion people [adults and young people] reached and most of them having their answers as 40 and 96. Before we go to the discussion proper, that some few questions to answer it lets see whether your answer will tire with our own.
Puzzles as many of you know is a great way to get going with your day and get your mind ticking and widen your reasoning. Solving puzzles and other tricky Maths questions will make you a very creative person and today’s puzzle is extraordinary one so you have to thing well. So dear readers the today’s puzzle is
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 5 = 12
3 + 6 = 21
 8 + 11 =?
Now can you suggest the answer… please take some few minutes to guess the answer before coming back to check our own explained bellow.
Okay let’s see how we can tackle this problem together.
Considering the first line, the common logic which looks easy is 1 + 4 5. Now let’s see if the pattern will work for the second line. 2 +5 is not 12. Oops let’s see if we can get 12 in some other manner. Now if we add the previous result to these numbers, we can get 5 + 2 + 5 which is indeed 12. Is this really a pattern.. Okay let’s try the trick in the next line. So, we have 12 + 3 + 6 which gives 21. Yeah this is cool. If we still go further we the logic, the next results will look like this 21 + 8 + 11 = 40.
This is cool but I am not personally satisfy with this answer. You maybe okay with this one. My worry is that 8 +11 seems not to be the next pattern. See my explanation bellow.
From the question, these three numbers are in a sequence. Therefore, similarly these 3 numbers too form a sequence. So, the series could be like this.
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 5 = 12
3 + 6 = 21
4 +7 = ?
5 + 8 = ?
6 + 9 = ?
7 + 10 = ?
8 + 11 = ?
Now, you can see that basically and practically 8 + 11 is part of the series which comes after some other lower numbers.
If we try the logic we can find the missing values. So, the value here is 21 + 4 + 7 which is equal 32. And it goes on...
Finally if the same rule is apply to the last line of the series, we will have 77 + 8 + 11 = 96.
It's shorty to get 40 but 96 seems longer to get which I think is practically the more appropriate solution to the problem. Let's keep working whether can find another pattern that will tie to 96 or 40 then we draw our conclusion. Going back to the numbers,
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 5 = 12
3+ 6 = 21
8 + 11 = ?
In the first line, the first answer could also be arrived at using the following deduced pattern.
1 + (4 × 1).
In the same manner, the second result which is 12 will be 2 + (5 × 2). Now, let's apply the pattern in the third line of the series and see if it will work. Sure it will.
Now since we have a pattern which can be deduce as:
"a + (b × a) = c", let's apply to the fourth line.
8 + ( 11 × 8) = 96. Wow this looks interesting because it matches with on of our previous answer 96 which I personally said it seems more appropriate.

So in conclusion the answer is 96. Now if you have different answers guys, comment and don't forget to share.
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