glass puzzle answer

The tricky Blue , yellow and red glass puzzle answer.

Check the puzzle on the screenshot below.
This puzzle is very tricky, it took me close to an hour and a half to understand it.

After studying how to get the correct answer, today I will teach you how to solve it.

Equation one:
Two blue glasses + half blue glass = 15,
2.5 glass = 15,
Glass = 6.
If a glass  = 6,
Impplies Half glass = 3.

Equation two:

1/2 yellow glass + 6 = 10
1/2 yellow = 4
Yellow glass = 4÷ 1/2
Yellow glass = 8.

If a yellow glass  8,
Impplies half yellow glass = 4.

Equation three:

Red glass + red glass - half red glass = 6.
1.5 glass = 6

Red glass = 6.
If a glass = 6,

Half of Red glass = 3.

Final equation.

Half of bue glass + half of blue glass + half of red glass) × half of yellow glass = ?
3 + ( 3 + 3) × 4 = ?
3+ 9 × 4 = ?
= 39.
So the final answer is 39.


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