Three things you need to start a blog/website in Cameroon

To create your own blog or website can be a nightmare to some few people. After going via these three simple things you need to create your own blog, you will hit the table and say oh! this was so simple and I am gonna give a try.

This article will cover only tools you need to get your own blog or website running for free within 15 munites, In my previous articles, I to took time to explain detaily what a blog is and or what Blogging is all about. Enough of this, let me give you the tools right away.

1. Android phone or Laptop: You can use these two devices or just one. This will depend on you. I personally started blogging using just an Android phone.

2. Internet connection : You need internet to lunch your website, you can write your blog post on Microsoft word then publish on your choosen platform.
You can equally write directly on your choosen platform with the use of internet.

3 Plaform: there are many free platforms to start a blog such as Blogger and WordPress. I started my blogging journey on blogger because it is free from start to finish.

Bonus: Photo editing software. You need an editing software or apps to edit some of your blog images.

Now you know all these simple things you need to start a blog or Blogging in Cameroon, wish you the best when you decide to embark on this epic journey.
Check my previous post and stay tuned to my next post. 
Tools to start Blogging, phone or laptop and internet

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