House Financing Business in Cameroon
What's house Financing?
House Financing is paying bit by bit for a house to own in future instead of paying rent.
An industry that’s absent in Cameroon that will make every civil servant have a very beautiful and comfortable life .
Imagine if you earn 200,000 Xaf
And every month you pay a rents of 70,000 xaf
If that rent was converted for you paying a simple house /apartment that will be yours after 10 years.
= 70,000 x 12 months / year = 840,000
840,000 X 10 = 8.4
This is how a simple and average civil servants spent in rents, meanwhile , estate house financing developers if present in Cameroon , will be a win win for !
- The civil servant
- The investor
- The bank
Source: Beautiful Dr. Menjo