Fowl, Banana and Egg puzzle solved.

The Hen, banana and egg Math puzzle solved.

This puzzle and some similar ones are not ordinary, it's very tricky. From the first glance, one may think it's simple.

When it was first posted on our Facebook page, many People failed it, This is why we decided too solve the puzzle today with elaborate explainations for your better understanding.

Here's the puzzle on the screen shot below:

Solving Math puzzle can refresh your memory and make you think well.

Let's get solving.

Equation One:
From screen shot above, 3hens = 60.
To get the value of hen, we make hen subject of the formolar.
This implies Hen = 60÷3,
Hen = 20.

Equation Two:
20 + 6 eggs = 26,
=> 6eggs = 26  - 20
=> Egg = 6÷6
=> Egg = 1.

Equation Three:
3+ 12bananas = 15,
12bananas = 15- 3
12 bananas  = 12
banana = 12÷12
=> Banana = 1.

Final equation:
The trick in this puzzle is in this final equation. Let's rewrite the equation for better interpretation.

Hen + 4Eggs × 4Bananas = ?
Substitutiing the values of Hen, eggs and bananas will be as thus:
20 + 4(1) × 4((1) = ?
=> 20 + 4 × 4 = ?
=> 36 = ?. Use BODMAS or PEMDAS

So, the answer to the puzzle is 36. If you have any questions, post.


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