how to create a blog for free and make money in Cameroon







Blogging is
the most legit way to make money online in Cameroon, Africa or any part of the
world today. When I say make money online, I don’t mean the make money quick
schemes, I mean starting your own blog, investing some time in it and earn

On your own personal blog, you will have the opportunity to make money
online in many ways which I will review to you in this article.

I know you
must have been Google searching how to start a blog in Cameroon for free, how
to make money online in Cameroon etc and you always land on some links that
will instead confuse you more like me when I first heard of the word blogging. 

will equally land on articles that people will be reporting their online income
instead of teaching you how they do it. They say, "Teach a child how to catch
fish instead of giving him fish."

I equally
understand you must have been asking yourself how to I start a blog in Cameroon
no more, this book is for you and it covers everything about blogging from
scratch to when you earn your first income.

It is also
important to note that blogging is not a make money quick scheme as some newbie
bloggers always think. I am not saying everyone can make money online but if
you are patient, consistent and follow this guide, you are going to be among
those who make money online or why not double them.


On may  5th 2020, I created a Facebook
page 237blogjourney, I wanted to use this page to share some of my blogging
experience to my friends which might also be helpful to you, to my greatest
surprise many people started in boxing me asking even some of the most simplest
questions I think an average online user should knew. Some asked questions

  • How do I
    create an email?
  • What is a blog?
  • Who is a blogger?
  • How do I
    create my own blog for free in Cameroon?
  • If I create
    my own blog how will I earn from it?
  • Can I blog
    with just an android phone­?
  • What is
    blogging all about?
  • What is a
    blog niche?
  • How do I
    choose a blog niche that pays?
  • How to I
    make money blogging in Cameroon
  • What is an Adsense
  • What is
    affiliate marketing?
  • If I start
    my blog what are some of the ways I can earn from it?
  • How to I
    receive payment from Adsense in Cameroon?
  • I want to write
    a blog where do I start?
  • How do I
    become a blogger in Cameroon?
  • How much
    does it cost start a blog in Cameroon?
  • Please can
    you create my own blog?
  • How do I
    edit my blog theme to look professional?
  • How do I
    write quality post?

I summarized all these
questions to what I titled the who, what, why, which, how to of blogging.

I answered
some of these questions but not elaborately, I equally assist some create their
blogs for free. Since I did not have enough time to always chat with my fans
and create their blogs, I decided to write this book that has every detail
about blogging with screen shorts and videos. This book is written base on my
personal experience (my blogging journey). 

It will save you time, money and you
will not commit some errors I committed. For example I never knew how to choose a good blog niche; I never know how to write quality posts etc. In fact I
wasted lot of time creating many blogs and deleted them because I wanted to
learn on my own.

 Thanks to blogger for offering free platform to try. (Read 10 mistakes of newbie bloggers on 237blogjourney).

reading this book, you should be able to create your own blog for free without
spending a dime and make money from it using your android phone or laptop.

In this
book, all the above questions have been answered in details with screen shots
and links to videos.

You will
equally find advance tips as far as blogging is concern.

You will
read best ways to make money blogging

You will get
some investments wise savings that will make you think out of the box.

This book is
not only for bloggers, is of good help to anybody who wish to create his or her
website without spending money and time.

After I learned
from my mistakes, I created some blogs that are actually successful today. My blogs

I also created
to some client’s like







Our parents foundation

and many more.

Take not
that all these blogs I used only my android phone to create. I do not know
anything like css and html codes. I have never attended any computer class
since I was born. I learn all these online so you too can

If someone
like me who have never set in any computer class can create a blog, then you
can definitely do it to. You will not only create it yourself, you are going to
make money from it. You can equally do better than I after reading this book.

Nowadays it’s
very easy to create a blog in Cameroon or anywhere with just some few clicks.
In short I can create your blog under three minutes and edit everything to
look professional.

explains why there are many bloggers and blogs in existence today in Cameroon
and worldwide. Improvement in technology has made life very easy for us in 21st
century. Nowadays anybody with an android phone and an internet connection can
easily create a blog or study online.

everything simplify for us, you can use just your android phone to create your
own blog from scratch for free, no computer knowledge needed here.

To start
your blog or create your website, there are some few important things you need
to know before creating your blog.

What you need to know before starting
a Blog or creating a website in Cameroon

What is a blog?

When I first
head of blogging, I thought it was only for news, entertainment etc. I created
news blogs and it was not going well for me. I decided to write about what I
knew best (mathematics) and it worked like magic. After my experience in blogging,
I created 237blogjourney to also share about blogging tips which is now know
best. You will find somewhere in this book how to choose good blog niche that

So, you
heard of these words and they scare you or you pretend to know like me?

When I first
heard of these words, blog, Blogger Blogging, it sounded to me like something
imaginary. I did little research and today I will simply all these for you in
this article.

You may want
to ask why I need a blog.

Here's the
short answer,

You need a
blog or website for any of your portfolio in the 21th century.

You can be a
church, artist, organization, you can just for a hobby, you can make money
blogging etc, I have covered why you need a blog or website in details in my
other articles on 237blogjourney blog.

What's a blog?

A blog is a
short form of weblog; it is where your post or articles are stored ready for anyone
who searches it on the internet can get it. The internet will keep quality and
best articles on the first page of search engines.

A blog is a
website or section of a website, where a person (known as a blogger) regularly
publish information about a particular subject or a topic that he or she has
sufficient knowledge about or is passionate about. That is something like your

For example,
if you search what's a blog, you will get many answers from different bloggers.

Who is a Blogger?

Blogger is
anyone writes quality post or articles in an organized, consistent manner and publishes
them on a blog. This means you write what you know best or like best or maybe
teaching people some stuffs etc.  For
example the person write articles on 237blogjourney is a blogger

What's Blogging?

Blogging is
the act of writing articles and publishing on your blog to the internet

You can blog
about anything as mentioned above, do what you like best. Someone somewhere
likes it. These are your audience on the internet. Is blogging good only for bloggers?
Big no a blog is important for everyone; I will give you some reasons below and
explain in relation to your line of business.

Importance of having a blog or

The are many
advantages of having a blog as an individual or a company like e commerce

Importance of a blog to an individual


What is a blog niche?

To start a
blog in Cameroon the first thing you will need to do, is to choose the niche of
your blog. That is a blogging topic.

A niche is
what you will be blogging about. For example, you might like to blog about
news, sport, health, education and many other topics. There is something I call
specific niche and it is what this article is all about.

Let me show
you good examples of specific niche.

1 you might
like to blog about sport and decide to focus on football, here is your specific

2 you might
like to Blog about education and choose Mathematics like me. Mathematics is a
specific niche.

I am given
these examples because some people don't really understand a niche. Some blog
niches are already saturated meanwhile some are still untouched. Read the
guidelines bellow to help you get a better niche that pays.

Here are the guidelines to choosing a
good niche.

1. Choose a
specific niche
. As mentioned above, it's proven that blogs with specific niche
easily get monetize. I personally had a news blog with more than one hundred
post but was rejected; my AdSense account was approved for a mathematics blog
with just 32 posts.

So, you
don't want to be a jack of all trade.

2 Choose a
niche that you have passion in
. When I talk of passion, I mean what you know to
your finger tips and also like doing all the time. That is something like your
hubby. This is to ensure that you don't choose a niche and after writing about
ten posts, you get stock.

3 Plan:
Before chosen your niche, do forecasts about what you will be writing about.
That is if I start a blog today will I be able to write unlimited articles
without feeling bored?

This is the
kind of question you need to ask yourself before choosing a niche.

Follow the
guidelines above and choosing a blog niche will never be a problem to you.

How to select blog name and blog

Can you
believe that when I first started blogging, I spend about one night thinking
only about blog name? This was because I never had a guide like this one.

After doing
some little research I put together these few tips that can help you select
your blog name and domain.

  • Make sure
    your blog name is easy to remember.
  • Make sure it
    is easy to pronounce.
  • Make sure it
    is easy to spell.
  • Make sure it
    is easy make sure it is not too long.
  • It will be
    the best if your blog name is same as your domain name, unfortunately it is
    difficult to get same blog name and url( DOMAIN) on some free platforms.

This is why
it is also good to buy a domain of your choice

You can form
anything that sounds good and give your blog name.

For example
your name can be   SERAPHINE BOH and you
decide to give your blog name as SERABO. Cool right

What will
make people to understand what your blog is about are the description and not
the name even though some blog names reflect what the blogs are about.

What is a Domain name?

After you
have chosen a niche (or decide on what topic or subject to write about), you
will choose a web address for your blog.

A web address
is the unique alphanumeric characters that we usually type in to our web
browser whenever we want to visit a particular website or blog e.g.,, etc.


Go to any
browser now and type, you will arrive on my blog where
you will find all basic and advance blogging tips. Sure you got it.

That’s the
web address of this 237BLOGJOUNEY. Every blog needs a web address for internet
users to be able to access it and read what has been published on it.

Now, to start
a blog in Cameroon, you will also need to register your own web address i.e. www. It will cost you between 10 to 13 dollars( 6000frs to
10000frs) to register your own domain name (web address).

Hey don’t be
scared, this is not the free blog I am talking about. You will get how to
create the free blog below.

Web addresses
are registered on websites known as domain name registrars. is an
example of a domain name registrar. Many people register their web address at I have covered step by step on how to register your own blog
domain in an article on 237blogjourney blog. This book is base on how to create
your own blog for free.

What is Web hosting space and Web
hosting Service?

Whenever you
type the web address of any website or blog in to your browser, texts, pictures
and videos shows up on your computer screen or android phone, Do you know where
these stuffs are coming from? Well you will know today.

The business
of leasing spaces on a webserver is called Web hosting service and the
individuals or companies involved in such business are called web hosts or web
hosting companies. Hostgator, Bluehosts, Ipage, Dream Hosts are some good
examples of webhosts or Web hosting companies.

The web
hosts or web hosting companies will host your blog on their servers and make it
accessible to your blog readers 24/7 for a fee which range from $1 to $6 per
month depending on the quality of the hosting service offered by the web host.

 The space on a webserver where your blog
posts, pictures and videos has been stored (hosted) is called a web hosting

So after
registering your domain name with, you will also need to buy a
webserver or rent a hosting space from a web host (pay for webhosting service)
to host your blog (which is far cheaper than buying your own personal web

Once you
have registered your domain name and paid for web hosting service, you can then
set up your blog within 6 minutes and start blogging in Cameroon.

Hey this is
not the free creation of blogs I am talking about, but it is also important to
get paid domain and hosting when you are a master in blogging. I have explained
these reasons on 237blogjourney in an article. For example if you are and
artist or company, it’s good to have .com in your domain to show credibility.

How much does it cost to start a blog
in on paid platforms in Cameroon?

If you read
carefully, you will see that I mentioned somewhere that create your blog for
free and make it look professional. On paid platforms, you blog will be highly
professional without you editing anything while on free platforms you need to
do some editing yourself before your blog will look beautiful. You will find in
this book how to make your blogger theme look professional.

At this
point you already understand that, a domain name and a web hosting space are
the two different things you will need in order to start a or website blog in
Cameroon. So basically on paid platforms, you will spend like 80 dollars for
domain and hosting, and like 15 dollar for the person (I) you will higher to
create it. You can do it yourself but it needs some technical advice.

Domain name
registration at will cost you about $13 (6500FCFA).

Web hosting
service will cost you not less than $50 for one year hosting, web hosting fees
are paid on a monthly basis just like you normally pay your rent but if you
choose to pay for several months in advance you can get a huge discount off
your bill.

Web hosting
companies (web hosts) like, blue host which is best with
wordpress will give you a 60% discount.

If you are
thinking to ask why do I need to pay this expensive amount to get my blog
running live?

I have these
quick answers for you.

Making money
blogging is just like any other business. To start a business you must invest
by paying rent, tax security etc.  This
goes same with blogging; you have to pay for all this. The only different is
that the later is physical and the present is digital.

Paying for
this is relatively cheaper than buying a server.

Whether at
the end you choose not to buy a domain, pay for hosting, your blog must pass
via these stages to be live for anyone to access it from the internet.

There are
companies that offer these services for free to people like you and I.

Before I
give you these platforms, at this point you must have understood exactly how
the internet works. Isn’t it? Now, let’s discuss about blogging platforms.

What is a blogging platform?

Like the
place you rent and put your goods for sell, blogging platforms are same. Blogs
are created on blogging platforms. In those days everything about blogging
platforms was paid but Nowadays, I can say there are two categories of blogging
platforms which include;

The Free Blogging Platforms and

The Paid blogging Platforms

The Free Blogging Platforms

 Free blogging platforms (sites) are web sites
that will enable you to start a blog for free on their web server i.e. without
you spending a dime. Those free blogging platforms (sites) will offer you a
free web hosting space on their server and also give you a free sub web address
so that you can create a blog without spending cash. In addition to that, the
free blogging sites also provides free web design templates which makes it
possible for you and I to use an android phone or computer to create a blog
with just drag and drops and some clicks within seconds.

In this
digital era, there are lots of free blogging platforms but the most popular and
also the best free blogging platforms where you can start for free and earn
which include;

Of all the
free blogging sites (platforms) mentioned above, Blogger ( is the
best free blogging site due to the following reasons.

The platform offers a free web address like
and also makes it possible for you to link your own personal domain name
( to your blog i.e. if you don’t want to use the lengthy free
web address offered by Blogger. That is blogger
offers you and I free hosting but you can add a dotcom to your domain name at
anytime without charges.
offers unlimited bandwidth; which means that even if 1 billion people visit
your blog per day or per month, you won’t be asked to pay a dime. Other free
blogging platforms (sites) like will ask you to upgrade from the
free plan to the premium (paid) plan after your blog starts receiving huge
amount of web traffic. After you have upgraded to the premium plan, you will be
expected to pay about $4 per month for to continue hosting your
blog on their web server even if you are not making money from your blog or
your blog is just a hubby blog.

The platform makes it possible for bloggers to customize their blogs
while other blogging platforms like doesn’t allow bloggers to
make any changes on the design or appearance of their blogs. That is you use
only plugins.

created on the platform are more search engine friendly than blogs
hosted on other free blogging platforms (sites). Since the blogging
platform is owned by the Google Company, your blog files (your blog posts,
pictures etc) will be hosted on Google server and will be easily indexed and
quickly displayed in the Google search results. This is as compare to free
hosting on other platforms and not paid hosting.
also makes it possible for Cameroon bloggers to make money online from their
blogs through the Google Adsense pay per click advertisement partnership
program. Other free blogging sites like won’t allow you to
monetize your blog unless you upgrade to the premium plan. Instead the
WordPress Company will be the one making money from your blog by displaying ads
on your blog while you do all the hard work of blogging and driving traffic to
your blog.

extremely easy to create a blog on the Blogger platform. This explains why
there are thousands of blogs today. With just few clicks of a
mouse anybody can create a blog at the blogger platform for free.

Paid Blogging platform

Not to
explain much, you will need to pay to start a blog on the paid blogging

To create a
blog on the paid blogging platforms, you will be expected to register a domain
name which will cost you about $12 and also rent a hosting space to host your
blog as mentioned above. Generally to create a professional blog on paid
platforms can cost you about 40000FCAF ( about 73USD) annually if you read this
guide and decide to create it yourself. To hire an expert like me, you will
spend about 55000FCFA.

The main
software (CMS) which is used to create blogs on the paid blogging platforms is
WordPress found at Take note that the WordPress software which
is used to create blogs on the paid blogging platform is still the same wordpress
software that is used on the free blogging platform. However the
WordPress which is used in the free platform is the restricted or
demo version of the popular WordPress blogging software.

unrestricted or full version of WordPress which is used on the paid blogging
platforms to create blog is arguably the best blogging application. About 60%
of the Cameroonian blogs were created on the paid blogging platform using the
unrestricted WordPress software.

Why you should create your blog on
paid platforms like wordpress

WordPress software is extremely flexible i.e. you can create any kind of
website with the WordPress software using the available WordPress Themes and
Plugins, be it blogs, social media website, eCommerce website, forums etc, without typing any code.

Themes are far more beautiful and sophisticated than the Blogger templates.

It’s very
easy to master the WordPress software.

Creating a
blog on the paid blogging platforms is as easy as switching on the lights in
your house.

The good
thing about these two categories of platforms is that you can migrate from one
to another anytime without stress. Now, you know about the two platforms, and
if you like to start on the free ones, I will give you the basics.

templates (also known as Themes) are ready made (pre-built) designs of websites
or blogs that you can install on your blog to give it a completely new look or
beautiful to your test. Oh no when I first started blogging, I use to edit my
blog theme or design to look beautiful in my eyes. This was a big error, your
blog theme when editing, thing of the visitors, in fact after editing, ask
someone to visit your site and give you feedback.

your own blog is one thing and making it look professional is another thing.

As you and I
know, everything about blogger blog is free but you can agree with me that,
anything you don't pay for might not be the best.

Editing your
blogger template to look professional can be complicated if you don't really
master some css and html codes. To save time, I recommend you buy a Blogger
theme or contact us to do it for you.

I will not
go without given you how to edit your blog theme to look beautiful.

Before I get
they, have these key things in mind:

 You are editing your website or blog theme to
your visitors.

Some blog
themes fit only for some particular niches.

For Google
to accept your adsense account, your blog theme must be extremely neat, easy to
navigate via.

When editing
your theme at least three colors are okay.

I have given
you the clue so let's get to how to edit your blogger template.

Login to
Blogger, Select the blog you want to edit, top left corner.

Click on
theme, you will see customize, edit html. You will also see back up or restore,
top right corner.

backup, this will backup your present theme for security reasons. That’s if you
can't edit the theme well, you can restore the previous.

Now, click
in customize, this will take you to a window where you can do the advance settings.
You can adjust colors, length, widths, layouts etc.

This will
depend on you. From here I know you can create your own blog, on that note, let
us do the practical work now.

to create a blog or website in Cameroon for free.

I will show
you how to create a blog for free on blogger, edit it to look professional and
also how to create a blog for free on wordpress but before I go there, lets
first look at some of the tools you will need to create your blog for free.

What you need to start a blog for
free at or wordpress

To launch
your own blog or website can be a nightmare to some few people. After going via
these three simple things you need to create your own blog, you will hit the
table and say oh! This was so simple and I am going to give a try.

I will give
you the only tools you need to get your own blog or website running for free
within 15 minutes.

1. Android
phone or Laptop: You can use these two devices or just one. This will depend on
you. I personally started blogging using just an Android phone.

2. Internet connection:
You need internet to lunch your website, you can write your blog post on
Microsoft word then publish on your chosen platform.

You can equally
write directly on your chosen platform with the use of internet.

3 Platforms:
there are many free platforms to start a blog such as Blogger and WordPress. I
started my blogging journey on blogger because it is free from start to finish.

Bonus: Photo
editing software. You need editing software or apps to edit some of your blog

Now you know
all these simple things you need to start a blog or Blogging in Cameroon, let
us get to the practical part of it.



If you
already have a Google account, please skip this step.

A Google
Account also known as Gmail account i.e. If you haven’t
created a Google account, go to the Google account sign up page and create a
Google account. It’s free!  If you can
create a Facebook account then you can also create a Google account. If you
cannot create your own Google account, follow the steps bellow with screen

1. Type
Gmail sign up in your browser and search.

2. Click on

3. Inter
your details like age sex etc. don’t forget to indicate whether you are
creating for you or a child.

4. Click on
create account and wait, Google will send you a text with a code to verify your

 5. Enter the code and click verify.

6. Tick the
terms and policy, scroll down and click on agree, you are done.

creating your Google account, follow the simple procedures below to create your
own blog. All what I have been telling you all this while; you will do it in
seconds now.

 After you have created your Google account,
read all the other steps then come back and click on How to create a blog for free on Blogger or WordPress 


are now the Blogger website, click on the CREATE YOUR BLOG button as shown in
the screenshot below.

Screenshot showing how to create a blog for free in Cameroon and make money Blogging


After clicking on that button, you will be expected to sign into blogger with Google
account. If you are already login into your Gmail account,

Click on
your Gmail address and enter your password.If you are not login, enter your
email and password as shown in the screenshot below.

After you
are done, click on the NEXT BUTTON to proceed to the next step.


CREATE NEW BLOG. You are almost there.

Click on the
CREATE A NEW BLOG link as shown in the screenshot below.

After you
have done that, you will arrive at this page.



 Enter the title of your blog.

Choose a
preferred blog address name for your blog and wait to see whether the free web
address is available.

If the name
you have chosen for your blog is not available (already taken), choose another
name till you find a name that is still available (not yet taken).

  Select a web design template to install on
your blog.

on create blog, your blog will be created automatically without you typing any
code. As easy as ABC.


After you
have clicked on the Create Blog link you will arrive at the BLOGGER DASHBOARD
as shown in the screenshot below.

To view your
newly created blog, just click on the View blog link as shown in the screenshot

At this
stage, you are already a blog creator, congrats. Can you call yourself a
blogger?  No because you have not yet
published your first post or article. The next thing is publish your first
post. If you will like to bypass all the steps above and get a professional
looking blog, hire me, I will not charge you much.

Before you publish your first blog
post, let us first talk about the blogger dashboard.

It should be
noted that every blog created at the Blogger platform is made up of two
sections which include;

 The front end section (your blog) and

The back end
section (also known as the Blogger DASHBOARD or Admin Area).

The front end section

The back end section

The front
end section is what your blog readers will see when they type in to their browser. Your posts will be displayed
at the front end section of your blog, for your blog visitors to read and leave
their comments.

The back end
section (The dashboard of your blog) is the Admin area of your blog where you
will be writing and publishing posts on your blog, customize your blog, change
the theme (design template) of your blog. In fact, your blogger dashboard is
like the backyard of your blog where you will be carrying out your blogging
activities. Your blogger dashboard is only visible to you (the owner or Admin
of the blog) while the front end section of your blog is visible to every
internet user.

How to switch between the two sections
of your blogger blog.

carrying out your blogging activities one of the things you will be doing frequently
is switching between the two sections of your blog.

For example
after you have written and publish a post on your blog (from your dashboard),
you may want to see how the post looks like in the front end section. To do
that you will need to switch from the back end section (dashboard) to the front
end section.

To switch to
the front end section of your blog, this is what you will need to do…

Simply click
on the View blog link in your dashboard and you will be able to see the front
end section of your blog.

Another easy
way to view the front section of your blog is by typing the web address of your
blog in to your web browser.

editor is the area of the blogger dashboard where you will be writing and
publishing posts on your blog. The blogger editor is very similar to the
Microsoft word editor program. So if you already know how to format a document
in Microsoft word then it will be very easy for you to use the blogger editor.

You are now a blogger.

 At this stage I will advise you to write about
20 quality unique posts on your website then surprise your friends and family
member, this will make them stay on your blog when they first visit it.


I used the
word unique because many people always like to copy and paste at the first
stage of blogging then regret after. Read 10 mistakes of bloggers on

Share your
first post on social media so that your friends and family members can know
that you have become a blogger.

Now at this
stage have you turn your passion to income?

Will you
start earning immediately?

The big
short answer is no

You need to
make people know about what you are doing.

How to send quality traffic to yourwebsite or blog in Cameroon

For your
blog to stand out or rang high to search engines, you need to send quality
traffic to your website.

How to send
quality traffic to your website.

creating your blog and must have written and publish some good number of
articles, you need to make your friends know about your work, you need to start
sending visitors to your blog or website.

Before I get
into details, I want to let you know that your friends might not be your blog
visitors, some will ignore the links you will share to them, some will discourage
you, but some will always encourage you. To cut things short, don't share too
many times to your friends.

There are
many ways you can send traffic to your website, it can be organic traffic or
from social Medias. I will teach you in details the various ways you can send
traffic to your website or blog. The main two ways to send traffic to your blog
are organic traffic and social media traffic.

Let's talk about organic traffic.

traffic is traffic that comes from searches. That is, if for example before you
landed on the blog, you had searched How to send quality traffic to a blog and
Google shows you this blog, you followed the link to this post and you are now
here, this is what is called organic traffic.

To put it
simple, it's traffic that comes as a result of people searching something on
the internet.

This is the
best form of traffic to a website because it comes from those who actually
needed the information they were searching.

 How to send organic traffic to your site.

In marketing
they say Costumer is King while in Blogging we say content is King.The best way
to send organic traffic to your site is to:

Write good
quality post: Good quality post can be a post with about 6 paragraphs and 500
words. The articles must be unique and have no grammatical errors.

When you do
this, your post will rang in the first page of Google.

Avoid copying articles from other website.

articles frequently and consistently: You can write 2 articles daily, weekly or
monthly. This depends on you.

How to send social media traffic to
your blog.

Social media
is one of the best ways to send traffic to a website or blog

When I talk
of traffic from social media I would tell you with no doubt that Facebook is

Twitter, Pinterest WhatsApp YouTube etc, can be use to send visitors to a blog.

Facebook is
the biggest place you can get visitors to your website.

I am writing
this from my personal experience your own can be Twitter or YouTube for me my
highest source of traffic from social media comes from Facebook.

How to get traffic from Facebook.

Before I go
about talking how to get traffic from Facebook keep this on your mind.

If you are a
newbie in Blogging, you may be so anxious to share your links as many times as
possible on Facebook groups or pages. I bet you if you try it your link is
going to be blocked by Facebook as spam and you will be frustrated.

So, this is
what you need to do.

Create a
Facebook account and page for your website so that your audience can follow

Create a
Facebook group or join some existing groups.

Now upload
all your new post on your Facebook page and share to your group.

When I first
started blogging each time I write a post I will share to close to five groups
on Facebook and Facebook blocked my link. It was so frustrating and I amtelling
you this so that you will not fall victim. Know Facebook policy to your finger

So, keep it
on your mind that you can share only three times in a day in groups but you can
post your link as many times as possible on your Facebook page.

How to send traffic from Instagram.

When I talk
of Facebook we should already know that Instagram is the brother of Facebook,
the rules also apply on Instagram.

How to get traffic from Twitter

Personally I
have tried sharing as many times as possible on Twitter but my link is not
blocked. So, you can share your post as many times as possible on Twitter and
you get some audience from there which might be good source of traffic.

How to get traffic from Pinterest

I have
equally share as many time as possible on Pinterest and my link is not blocked,
always share your post on Pinterest to get a good number of visitors.

How to get traffic from WhatsApp.

I know when
you create your new blog, you maybe so anxious to share to your friends on

I advise you
not to do it because you might bore them. Not everyone likes what you like or
what you do.

My best way
I do to get my traffic from WhatsApp is to share on my status every day.

Those who
are interested in will definitely visit your blog.

One of my
friends complained to me that it seems Cameroonian don't like what his doing
because he had lowest number of visitors from Cameroon. I told him it's normal
because there's a native saying that “A traditional doctor is hardly recognized
in his home town" Which means your best visitors may not be your friend.

How to get traffic via YouTube.

YouTube is part of Google, traffic from YouTube can be organic traffic.

To get traffic
from YouTube, you need to create a YouTube channel. In this channel you can do
short videos about your blog.

In the
description of your videos, you insert your Blog links.

This will
generate you some good number of traffic.

There are
many advance ways to send traffic to your blog which I have discuss on
237blogjourney site

To conclude,
what you will earn as a Blogger will depend on the number of valid visitors you
send to your website.

The only way
to do this is the follow the points above.

Now you have
gain good reputation on the internet about what you are doing and people start
to trust you, you sleep on your bed and have about 500+visitors on your blog,
you are done. It’s time to turn your passion to income.


which is simply telling people what you like and know best on the internet can
generate you some income. So you have make people to love and trust what you
do, it is time to turn your passion to income. I am not saying everyone can
make money online, I am saying if you follow how others are making it you will equally
make it.

 Again in the 21 century everything is going online fast, you need to
take advantage of it. Take for example organizing online classes; you can make
some cool money. There are whole lots of ways you can make money online
blogging, I will show you some few best ways that you can be asleep and money
is entering your account.

How to make money blogging

make money blogging is a legit, slow but sure way to earn only. When you start
earning, your earnings will keep increasing even if you are sleeping. The big
advice I have to give you is that making money online is not a get rich quick,
you need only to invest in your time for say four months and you are done. It
may take longer if you take the wrong way but if you follow this guide, it will
save you some time.

Ways to make money blogging in

I have put
together some best out of hundreds of ways you can make money on your blog. At
times I don’t like to us e make money because it might sound misleading to some
people; I like to use how to earn from your blog. There is this saying that you
can invest six months of your time and earn for five years

If you used
to watch football on TV and see some pop up advertisements beside your screen,
that's one way the TV channel earns.

How do I earn from my own blog?

I know you
have these questions on your mind as a newbie Blogger. You are not alone, when
I first heard about Blogging, the first thing I went online to research was how
do I make money Blogging,

What are
some of the ways I can make money Blogging?

When I
started 237blogjourney and was writing about how to create a blog for free, how
to apply for Adsense etc, I have answered these questions on 237blogjourney

So, you like
to blog as a hobby or you like to blog just for fun or like to make money
blogging, there's a point in your Blogging journey where you will like to turn
your passion to income.

Before I
review these few ways out of hundreds you can make money Blogging, let me give
a general example of how making money Blogging works.

Practical example of how making money
Blogging works.

If you are
in Cameroon or other parts of the world and you always like watching series
films or movies on television, you will notice that the TV stations always
pause and do some advertisements. The companies they advertise paid them to do so. This is how they make their own money.

Now, as a
Blogger, if you also write quality posts that many people will like visiting
your website, companies will like to advertise on your website.
This is
exactly how everyone is making money online. When I say making money I don't
mean clicking links here and there, I mean legit way to earn.
At this
point you have a general idea of what making money Blogging is. Let me give you
some few ways you can make money Blogging.

How to make money Blogging in Cameroon

Monetization: To earn on your Blogger, you need
to monetize it with either Adsense or media net. These are top recognized
companies that carry out online adverts. After you must have grown up your
Blog, you can apply for Adsense account, place ads codes on your website and
start earning. With Adsense, if no one click on your ads, you are not going to
earn a dime. I have covered in details about AdSense program in my other
articles in 237blogjourney website


Affiliate program: There are many companies out they
offering affiliate program. From physical to digital products. Amazon, eBay etc
is a good place to start.

To join
Amazon affiliate program or any other programs, read their affiliate program

Writing reviews: When you have a website that is
credible, many companies will pay you to review their products or companies on
your site.

Paid promotion: If you have a reliable website,
many people will pay you to promote their goods and services, this is always
true for entertainment website.

These are
just some few ways you can make money Blogging, there are many other ways
ranging from, selling your own eBooks, creating master classes, Consultant work
If you wish
to start with any of the above ways, visit 237blogjourney and get all details
for free or contact us for assistance.

there are still many things you still have to learn if you want to become a
successful Cameroonian blogger. Up to this level, I have given you all the
basic necessity to be a blogger and some semi advance tips to be a professional
blogger. You still need to do some little research to become a full time
blogger. I am ready to assist. There are some other advance stuffs you still
need to know before you hit your chest and say oh! Yes, I am a blogger. I can’t
tell the exact stage I am now but from all what you gathered in this book, you
can tell.

You will
need to learn how to effectively and efficiently use the blogging tools found
in the Blogger dashboard. That is you plan to make money for free online
You will
need to learn how to use the tools found in the blogger editor to format your
You will
need to learn how to promote your blog using successful techniques like social
media marketing, paid advertising and search engine optimization (SEO).
You will
also need to learn how to choose a profitable niche.


Blogging is not a make money quick business.

To make money blogging, you need to be patience and consistence. 

The first
thing to do before starting a blog is to have a mentor. That’s someone who is
an expert in what you are doing.

If you won’t
like to spend years and waste a lot of money via mistakes like me, in order to
master all the basics and some advance skills, HIRE ME, let me do everything
and put you at the level where you will be writing only articles. I will charge
you about 0FCFA.

Comment anything you want me to add.

Watch this video that summarized how to create a blog for free on blogger

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