Glass picture puzzle:Which glass fills first puzzle answer (full details with screenshots)


Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer (full details with screenshots)

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

This glass picture puzzle," which glass fills first" is dividing the internet. Many people are answering and getting the wrong answers. Many people also have their answers as "one" 

Today I will answer it for you with full details.

There are four glasses, the glasses are connected to a pipe and a bottle of liquid is poured from the top. I will answer the glass picture puzzle starting from the first glass to the fourth glass.

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

The correct answer would be glass number three. This is because some glasses are blocked

Here's everything you need to know about the glass puzzle.

Number one glass: As the wine drops into the first box, it's supposed to first flow to the left side of the pipe to  to number one via number two glass. Physically you understand why but physics will explain why better. Unfortunately, the first glass is blocked around the chamber. So the answer cannot be "One" which is the first glass. Check well on the screenshot below.

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

Glass number two: according to the puzzle, glass 2 is supposed to fill after glass one but it's also blocked just before it was about to drop. Check well one the screenshot below.

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

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Number three glass: If glass one and two was filled up, the liquid will flow back to the first Camber and move to the right. But since the liquid didn't reach these two glasses , it will fill the chamber and flow to the right. According to the puzzle, it's supposed to flow to glass number four, number four is also blocked somewhere. Check well on the screenshot below.

So, the water will flow back and fill number three glass first.

Glass number four: Normally, since the liquid was blocked from flowing to glass 1 and 2 at the left side , it will flow back to the first chamber and to the right side. From there, it flows to four but four is blocked so it flows the liquid back to the chamber to the right. When the chamber is about to fill , it flows to the third glass and fills it first. See screenshot below

Glass picture puzzle: Which glass fills first puzzle answer

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The answer to the picture puzzle, which glass fills first is glass number three. This is because all the other glasses are blocked. From a glance one can vividly say the answer is glass number one but after a close look, you will discover the correct answer as explained above.

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