Correct answer: What goes up but never comes down riddle


Correct answer: What goes up but never comes down riddle

What goes up but never comes down riddle answer
What goes up but never comes down riddle answer

Welcome to, your Education, business and how-to site. Today I will give you answer to this trending riddle " what goes up but never comes down".

The riddle is intended to test your reasoning and thinking, so think out of the box. Even though I like answering riddles and Puzzles, when I came across this one, it baffled me. I was thinking of physical things. As I did a little research, I now discovered the correct answer. That's why I will share with you today.

Many people who love  dare games, suduku quizzes puzzles also like answering riddles.

To those who have come across this riddle, the answer will now be easier for them. If you have never heard about it,then try to answer it before checking the answer below.  

Be sure to share with friends , family members and loved ones to test them too.

What goes up but never comes down riddle answer

The correct answer is age. This is because age only increases but never comes Down.So, it's your age.

Do you have another answer?

Also readHow many eggs can you see math Puzzle answer


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