What's the hen egg and banana puzzle solution

 The hen, egg and banana puzzle solution 2020.

Hen + 4 eggs × 4 bananas = ?

This hen, egg and banana puzzle have been shared many times on social media especially facebook and WhatsApp. Many people are solving and failing it. Today I will give you the correct answer with detail explainations for your better understanding.

Here's is the puzzle
If Hen plus hen plus hen = 60,
Hen + 3 eggs + 3 eggs =26,
 3 eggs + 6 bananas + 6 bananas = 15 then,

Hen + 4 eggs × 4 bananas = ?

From the interpretation of the puzzle above, you can already know the correct answer. Many people failed puzzles not because they don't know math, but because they usually misinterpret puzzles and Quizes.

Check the puzzle on  picture below
Rooster egg and banana puzzle

I will solve each lineup then substitute in the final equation. I'm also go apply  BODMAS in some steps.

Equation  one
3 hens = 60,
implies hen = 20.

Equation two
20 + 3eggs + 3 eggs = 26,
6 eggs  = 6
Egg = 1.

Equation three

3 eggs + 6 bananas + 6 bananas= 15,
3 + 12 bananas = 15
12 bananas = 12
Banana = 1.

Hence, the values of hen egg and banana = 20 , 1 , 1 respectively.
I will substitute in the final equation and solve.

Final equation
Hen + four eggs × four babanas = ?
20+ 4 × 4 = ?
20+ 16= ? ( apply BODMAS)
36 = ?.

Therefore the final answer to the hen, egg and banana puzzle is 32. If you have different answer, Comment.


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