How to write a job winning CV in Cameroon (Professional CV)


How to write a job winning CV in Cameroon (Professional CV)

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How to write a job winning CV in Cameroon (Professional CV)
Welcome to Cameroonhowto, your Education business Scholarship Career and job place. Today I will show you how to write a curriculum vitae (CV) or Resume that wins you the job you are looking for. Before I start, here's the biggest mistake many people make when writing a CV.

They Write a general CV and submit to any job opportunity. With this kind, you are surely going to be boring the job giver to look through your long CV. In this case they might not even look at it. Another error is writing achievements of what you have never done, this will disqualify you during the interview.I will show you a better idea below.

When I was applying for a job opportunity, I happened to do an internship in the organization, so I included the internship attestation later and work done in the Curriculum vitae. During the interview, questions came from what I did during the internship period. I answered and got the job. That's the importance of internship and curriculum vitae.

How to write a job winning professional CV in Cameroon

What you will get in this post include:

  1. What's a Curriculum vitae (CV)?

  2. How to write a general CV

  3. Sample CV

  4. How to write a CV that get you a job

  5. How to improve CV

  6. Importance of CV

  7. Conclusion

Let's get started.

  1. What's a Curriculum vitae (CV?

A CV is simply a summary of someone's academic Achievements, work experience, hobbies and valid contact details usually used to apply for a job.

Job givers used it to prepare interview questions for job applicants.

  1. How to write a general CV

To write a general CV,

  • Use Clear and concise information; no paragraphs needed, keep it crisp and pleasant.

  • Choose the best format with proper spacing and font to ease the reader.

  • Using  pre-set templates like in Google docs will get you going just fine, but always add some personality so that it will look natural.

  • You need to be brief and straight to the point.

  • Add your valid address and contact details.

  • Add All your work experiences.

  • Add Academic achievement from lowest to highest level.

  • Hobbies.

  • Sports.

There's a general and a particular CV. A general CV talks about all your achievements, A particular CV gets you a particular job easily. Don't submit a general CV for a particular job.

Check sample CV below.

  1. Sample CV

Check sample Curriculum vitae below that I wrote and got a job.


  1. How to write a CV that get you a job

Woman answers interview questions
Woman answers interview questions
After graduation, you need a job, after working for a company, you might want to work in another one. How are you going to write a curriculum vitae that will win you this new job opportunity. Answer below.

There's no trick in writing the best CV that gets you a Job, it's more like a general CV or a Resume but you only need to summarize everything you are adding to the CV.

The mistake I talked about in the introduction will be corrected now.

So, to write a curriculum vitae that gets you a job,

  • Make it a one page CV

  • Write only Achievements that are Related to that job. 

  • Make it short and straight to the point.

  • Add skills you can answer interview questions on.

For example, you cannot be writing a CV for a bank manager job opportunity and you start including your achievements as a Marriage counselor. They don't have any relationship, This only stresses out the job giver and hence limits your chances.

How to improve CV

There are many ways to improve your CV in Cameroon especially as a student. This should start when you are still a student.

  • Do internship

  • Attend Seminars

  • Attend all field trips

  • Do voluntary service (remember a person with higher job experience will get a job faster than the one with no experiences)

  • Create strong relationships with people related to your field of study.

  • Create a small business related to your field of study.

Importance of CV

Curriculum vitae is essential to the job seeker and the job giver. Some importants below.

  • It shows your short description of educational and work background in an organised manner.

  • It's used to build interview questions after you apply for a job.

  • It makes it easier for job givers to determine if you are fit for the position or job.


Writing a CV that will get you a good job should not only be an empty CV that follows the CV format, it should include mainly your Educational background and your work experiences. It's job experience that matters nowadays, not necessarily the certificates. Still not satisfied? Comment

Thanks for passing by.


10 Mistakes to Avoid when writing Professional CV

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