all Cameroon GCE results released with Grades(Ordinary and Advanced level)


all Cameroon GCE results Ordinary and Advanced level all years

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board (CGCEB) is a board in charge of organising, setting, marking and publishing the Cameroon GCE Examinations and Results for O/l, A/L Ordinary and Advance level all years since it Creation by a presidential decree.


The exams are usually registered between March, April and May, Writing in July and all Results published in August or  September.

Important Note for students and parents: Before checking your Cameroon GCE results 2022 ordinary and Advance level, I Strongly recommend you to read this article on "how to overcome examination panic and temper

Due to laziness of some students, a popular proverb is generated to encourage them " June is Collective and August is Selective" Meaning any student who registered and wrote the GCE exams in June  and is not serious, only in August will the results select those who were actually serious. This proverb always makes students more serious in studies.

The GCE results of 2020 were released late  on the 1st of October 2020 due to the outbreak of Covid 19 (for more information about Coronavirus, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC).

Because of measures taken by the Cameroon Government, the results of this 2021 have been released today the 21st of August 2021.

All 2021 Results now available below.

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Also read What to study in University after GCE results Arts

What you will get in this article includes GCE results of all years,O/L, Ordinary Level, A/L, Advance level since the date GCE Board was created up till today in PDF format. You will also get the latest news about the Cameroon GCE examination, All information Concerning GCE Board. Check your GCE results for free.

download PDF and check all Cameroon GCE results O/L, A/L (Ordinary and Advanced level all years

What you will get in this post include:

  1. Exams organised by the Cameroon GCE Board

  2. All GCE results Ordinary Level all years PDF Download.

  3. All GCE results Advanced level PDF Download all years.

  4. All Technical  and vocational Intermediate level PDF Download all years.

  5. All Technical and vocationalAdvanced level PDF Download all years.

  6. GCE Board Latest News.

  7.  Information about the GCe Board. 

1.Exams organised by the Cameroon GCE Board 

According to Wikipedia

The following examinations shall be organized by the GCE Board as of 4 March 2019

The General Certificate of Education Examination Ordinary Level.

The General Certificate of Education Examination Advanced Level.

The Technical and Vocational Education Examination Intermediate Level.

The Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced, and the Professional Certificate Examination.

2.All GCE results Ordinary Level all years  

GCE results Ordinary Level all years PDF

GCE results Ordinary Level all years PDF 

The board in charge of organising setting marking and publishing Results for Cameroon GCE results always released the results every year on TV, News papers, websites and PDF format. Download PDF now all your GCE Ordinary Level O/L  Results of all years for free via the links below. Also read:

3. All GCE results Advanced level all years Download

All GCE results Advanced level all years PDF Download
All GCE results Advanced level all years PDF Download

Download PDF now all your GCE Advanced Level O/L  Results of all years for free via the links below in PDF format. You can equally comment your center and candidate number, we will give your Results as soon as possible for free.

4. All Technical  and vocational Intermediate level Download all years.

All Technical  and vocational Intermediate level PDF Download all years.
All Technical  and vocational Intermediate level PDF Download all years.

Download PDF now all Technical  and vocational Intermediate level PDF Download all years  for free via the links below in PDF format. You can equally comment your center and candidate number, we will give your Results as soon as possible for free.

Also read:

5. All Technical and vocational Advanced

level Download all years.

Technical and vocational Advanced  level PDF Download all years

Technical and vocational Advanced

level PDF Download all years.

 Download all years  for free via the links below in PDF format. You can equally comment your center and candidate number, we will give your Results as soon as possible for free.

6. Cameroon GCE Board Latest News.

General Overview of Cameroon GCE Board, Examinations and Results

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board, known as Cameroon GCE Board, is the public examination board responsible for setting examinations, marking them, and distributing results for Anglo-Saxon Cameroonian secondary school students at two stages:

Level one: The GCE Ordinary Level (“O Level”), a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, for students having completed a 5-year secondary education program, with students qualifying to sit the GCE O’ Level examinations.

Level two: The GCE Advanced Level (“A Level”), another subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by the educational bodies and authorities to students completing secondary or pre-university education, for students having completed a 2-year High School education program, and who have previously sat and been successful in at least 4 GCE O’ Level subjects. GCE A’ Level examinations are written by upper sixth students.

Also read

It's important to stay updated with what is happening at the GCE Board.

Many students are searching, when will Results be released? Are Gce Results out? GCE Board news updates etc, here is where you can always check the latest news about the Gce board.

The Writing & Marking Session 2021

The written examination session of the GCE examination for GCE Ordinary and Advanced Level, TVE (Intermediate and Advanced Level) took place in July, as opposed to the usual June to August scenario.

The marking session of the GCE 2021 started on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, which was to run for two or more weeks across 15 marking centers in the South West Region.

Are the results really out?

For the time being, the results are still to be published. So, who do not yet know the exact GCE 2021 Release date.

The previous results have always been released by mid-August. But owing to the Covid-19 it might be released later than usual.

We will keep you updated as soon as possible.

For you to know that the GCE results are officially out, you will get these signs and all will be able to get a pdf copy for free without hindrances.

All national radio and TV stations will announce the result

MTN and Orange Cameroon will text you the shortcodes to use

The GCE Board will make an official announcement.

Some possible Challenges surrounding the GCE 2021 Release Date

With the coming of the global pandemic (Coronavirus COVID19), the academic year was partially disrupted due to the late release of the GCE 2020 results that affected the entire academic calendar and normal class schedules.

As a result of the disruption that paved the way for utmost confusion in the academic milieu. The academic year had to be readjusted, causing the GCE General Certificate Examination exam to begin on June 29th, 2021, and ended on July 12th, 2021 as opposed to the Official 2021 Calendar and Modalities for Registration Examinations.

7. Information about the GCE Board

General Overview of Cameroon GCE Board, Examinations and Results

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board, known as Cameroon GCE Board, is the public examination board responsible for setting examinations, marking them, and distributing results for Anglo-Saxon Cameroonian secondary school students at two stages:

Level one: The GCE Ordinary Level (“O Level”), a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, for students having completed a 5-year secondary education program, with students qualifying to sit the GCE O’ Level examinations.

Level two: The GCE Advanced Level (“A Level”), another subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by the educational bodies and authorities to students completing secondary or pre-university education, for students having completed a 2-year High School education program, and who have previously sat and been successful in at least 4 GCE O’ Level subjects. GCE A’ Level examinations are written by upper sixth students.

Also read

How and where to check GCE results 2021.

In those days, Results were only read on State Radio stations and some private media  houses. Nowadays, there are many ways to check your results as fast as possible.

These includes:

  1. PDF download of GCE 2021 results.

  2. On a website.(

  3. News papers

  4. Telecom companies

  5. Radio and TV stations

Explanations of the points above and more here 

How to overcome examination panic.

How to overcome anxiety before examination

Days to examination

  1. Make sure you make exams revision planning before time:  About two months  is usually enough, but leave yourself more time if you feel like you might need it. It’s better to be safe than fail and be sorry!

  2. Make sure you’re revising effectively and efficiently. Focus on essential materials and be active rather than sitting and reading for hours at a time. Read only the most important things. Read what you know well and master it well before reading what you don't know. Many students make mistakes reading what they don't know the eve of exams. This is wrong because you will get yourself more confused.

  3. Ask your tutor or lecturer for help if you get stuck during your revision.

  4. Try not to focus your whole life on revision.

  5. Make sure to take regular breaks, have days off and get enough sleep.

  6. Eat well. Your brain needs energy and fuel to make the most of your revision time.

  7. Talk to your friends and family about your worries rather than bottling things up!

How to overcome anxiety D- Day - One night

  1. Learn a relaxation technique in advance so that you can utilise it if you need to.

  2. Try to avoid working too close to the exam. Don't stay up late the night before or get up early on the morning of exams. A good night’s sleep is more valuable than an extra few hours of revision.

  3. Watch a funny movie or read a funny book. humour is a great way to take your mind off of your worries. Don't over do this.

  4. Make sure you’re thoroughly prepared for the exam to minimise your worries. Check that you’ve got the right time and location, pack your pencil case with everything you might need and lay out your clothes for the next day.

How to overcome examination panic and anxiety after Exams.

  1. Know the date of publication of results.Make sure you know when results day is. In those days, usually, you collect your exam results at your college or school but some universities provide an online service for checking results. Nowadays most results are gotten online but it's usually after the state television or radio station has broadcast the publication. So, avoid panicking if this channel has not yet done so.

  2. You are the boss of your Exams before, during and after. Remember that you can’t control the outcomes of your actions. All you can do is to control your actions. You’ve done that by working hard and taking your exams. The rest isn’t up to you. Letting go of your need to control outcomes.

More on how to overcome exams panic here

Brief history of the Cameroon GCE Board

The Cameroon GCE board was officially created in 1993, according to a book titled "The Cameroon GCE Crisis: A Test of Anglophone Solidarity." The book says the creation of the board was spearheaded by Anglophone community groups, such as the Teachers' Association of Cameroon (TAC), lead by Mr. Peter Chateh; churches; Confederation of Anglophone Parents’ Teachers’ Association of Cameroon (CAPTAC), with other trade union groups also playing a pivot role in the creation of the board.

It took 10 years, from 1983 to October 1993 for a consensus to be reached by the aforementioned groups and the Government of Cameroon to create an examination board to award certificates to Anglophone Cameroonian students.

Wrapping up.

Congratulations on your 2021 GCE examination, for those who didn't make it, you have to know that failing an exam doesn't mean you don't know, someone said "examination is not a true test of knowledge", so you have to stand strong and try it again in 2022.

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