There's no light in the whole city today How many 'T's are in "That" ? Quiz answer


There's no light in the whole city today. How many 'T's are in "That" ? Quiz answer

There's no light in the whole city today How many 'T's are in "That" ? Quiz answer

There's no light in the whole city today. How many 'T's are in "That" ? Quiz answer

This quiz is Trending on social media today especially on Facebook and Twitter. When I first published on my Facebook page, Many people failed it. Some inbox us to Ask the correct answer. Today I will explain that the Correct answer is 'There's no light in the whole city today. How many 'T's are in "That" ?' Quiz  to you.

There's no light in the whole city today. How many 'T's are in "That" ? Quiz answer

The correct answer to this question will be 2 not 5 or 8 because we need to interpret the Grammy correctly.

If you want to count the 'T's in the whole quiz, your answer will be 8.

If you want to count those in the first statement, your answer will be 5.

Here's the Correct answer.

The question is how many 'T' are in "That".

This means they're referring to the Ts in That which is 2.

Therefore, the correct answer is 2.

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